5 Mobility Exercises

Sep 09, 2024

Mobility Exercises for Mums
Mobility Exercises are trending at the moment. Below are 5 mobility exercises specifically for Mums. In our last article we spoke about how mobility is the foundation of movement, without it, even the simplest tasks can become a struggle. You’ll want to add mobility to your arsenal for motherhood survival!

Here are 5 mobility exercises I recommend. These will allow you to keep your body mobile now and in years to come. You can incorporate these moves easily into daily life. Whilst baby is having a nap or the kids are playing. Sneak some in just before you go to bed or just after you wake-up. A few minutes here and there to take the pressure off and boost energy.

Hip Rocks
This is great to warm up the hips, and mobilise the lower back and work the outer part of your legs.

  • In standing position with legs hip width apart, toes pointed inwards a little and gently rock your hips side to side x10.
  • If that feels okay, take your legs wider with toes pointed inward still and do the same rock to get more activation through the inner part of your legs.


Cat-Cow (Camel)
Improve your spinal mobility with this glorious cat-cow flow!

  • Start with your hands and knees on the floor. Make sure your knees are under your hips and your wrists are under your shoulders. (If wrists are sore, close your fists and rest on fingers or elevate arms to a pillow with forearms). Begin with your back flat.
  • Round your spine up toward the ceiling, and imagine you’re pulling your belly button up towards your spine. Tuck your chin toward your chest, and let your neck release. This is Cat Pose. Relax your belly/core, relax in this position and enjoy the stretch.
  • Lift your head and tailbone up towards the sky, without putting any unnecessary pressure on your neck. Arch your back, and let your core activate to support your back when arching. and go loose. This is Cow/Camel Pose.
  • Continue flowing back and forth from Cat Pose to Cow/Camel Pose, connecting your breath to each movement.


5 Mobility Exercises

Thoracic Rotation
If you spend the majority of the day sitting, you’ll love this one! The thoracic spine is where we get most of our rotation. That’s why maintaining optimal function and range of motion of the thoracic spine is extremely important for the body as a whole. It can help to reduce neck and lower back pain by ensuring biomechanical load is taken in the most efficient way.

  • In a tabletop position like the cat to cow start position, Inhale to lift your right arm up to the sky, opening the chest and arm to the right side. Allow your gaze to follow your right arm. Remember to keep your hips stacked over your knees.
  • Exhale to bring your right arm down and slide it on the floor under your left arm, reaching across your body, along the floor.
  • Take your gaze to the left. Allow your left elbow to bend to accommodate the stretch and your right ear to rest on the floor if you can.
  • Repeat 4–5 times and switch arms.
  • Move at a moderate pace, and keep breathing fully into the ribcage.
  • Keep the movement slow and controlled to maximise the stretch.

Wall Angels
This upper-body mobility exercise works your back, neck, and shoulders while promoting proper spinal alignment.

  • Stand with your head, shoulders, upper back, and butt pressed against the wall. Your feet may need to be 6–12 inches from the wall. Keeping your knees slightly bent will reduce muscle tension.
    With the backs of your hands against the wall, stretch arms straight above your head. Now you’re in the starting position.
  • Squeeze your mid-back muscles as you slide arms down toward shoulders. Keep your body firmly pressed against the wall.
  • When elbows are just below shoulders, pause for just a sec, then slide your arms back to the starting position.
  • Do 2–3 sets of 15–20 reps.

Mermaid Sit / 90-90 hips
The last of our 5 mobility exercises is an amazing deep hip opener that stretches the hip flexors, quadriceps, and groin muscles. It also opens up the chest and shoulders, improving posture and breathing.

  • In a seated position, sit with 90/90 hips.
  • On the inhalation, reach your right arm up to the ceiling and flow to the right over your head.
  • Exhale on bringing back the hand to the centre. Repeat x 10
  • Switch seated leg position onto opposite side and repeat x 10.
  • Remember to ease into this movement and you may need assistance from a wall, block or opposite hand on the ground for support as you add the top arm flow. Go just as far as you can feel the slight stretch on your obliques and inner legs.


Enjoy these daily or set in at the start of your workout. Use in 1 minute movement miracles throughout your week to stack on to rebuilding you in a way that your body is communicating with you.

Motion is lotion.

Give these a go and I encourage all mums to start integrating mobility into your routine and over time you will find small, consistent efforts that lead to significant improvements.

Medical Clearance should be seeked from your health professionals before starting any new form of exercise/movement. For any aches and pains that are consistent and are preventing you from moving or affecting your mental health, see your women’s health physiotherapist for assessment and individualised care.