Why sneaking those “down or slow” moments as Mums is crucial

#bodyresetfitness #break #emotional #exhaustedmum #hobbies #joy #mum #physical #recharge #rejuvenate #selfcare #space May 24, 2023

Do you schedule in “down time” into your week?  

 Why it is important to sneak those “down or slow” moments 

There is a huge need for us Mums to take it slow or turn down the busyness of our weeks. 

I certainly understand that being a Mum is a role filled with immense responsibilities and endless demands and the constant feeling of “busy”.  

I can see you are constantly putting the needs of your family first, juggling multiple tasks and taking care of everyone around you, most often than not forgetting the last time you had a cuppa in silence, read a book, laid on the bed for a few minutes and breathed or had been trying for weeks to find the time to take your nail polish off your toes (hello, that’s me, the blue just wasn’t cutting it for Autumn!) 

Taking time and care of yourself is just as important as caring for others

Downtime offers you a chance to recharge and rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit. It provides opportunity for self-care and allows you to replenish your energy reserves, both physically and emotionally. It's definitely not selfish to prioritise your own well-being and I certainly agree it does take some practice to stop feeling like there are so many more other things I could be doing instead of slacking off……in fact, when it comes to downtime or slow moments - it's an essential part of being a loving and present mother.

Take the break

By taking regular breaks and dedicating time for yourself, you're able to maintain a healthy balance in your life. It allows you to step away from the constant demands and pressures, giving you the space to relax, reflect, and reconnect with your own needs and desires. This time of solitude can be incredibly empowering, enabling you to regain perspective, reduce stress levels, and increase overall happiness.


Finding joy, hobbies and YOU

Downtime provides you with an opportunity to pursue activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.  After working with women, one of the first things I ask is what do you like to do, what’s your hobby or interest - most quickly reply with “I don’t have one”.  It’s at this stage I know the “fun” or “joy” is missing from their day to day and we go back to childhood/teenage/twenty something life and dig deep to find that again.  

It may look like indulging in a hobby, reading a book, a weekly bath, practicing mindfulness, or simply taking a quiet walk in nature, these moments of self-nurturing can have a profound impact on your well-being. When you invest time (and as Mums it may look like 5-10 minutes at a time) in activities that bring you happiness, you become a role model for your children, showing them the importance of self-care and how to prioritise their own needs as they grow older.

You can’t pour from an empty cup

I want you to remember one thing, YOU deserve rest, relaxation, and personal time just as much as anyone else. 

By taking care of yourself, you're setting an example of self-love and teaching your children the importance of maintaining a healthy balance in life. 

You are worthy of experiencing joy and serenity, and by embracing downtime, you are better equipped to face the challenges and joys of motherhood with renewed strength and vitality.

Take a moment, think about how much you need the downtime and remember that you are cherished and appreciated for all that you do.

I know for me its baths, saunas or floats treats (i always ask for a self care voucher for spas/beauticians when its a special occasion), peaceful nature walks, girly movie or sitting in the sun reading a book.  I have recently noticed that I do love gardening and I don't do enough of it and I know that Hubby and I make a cracker team in house renos - well, maybe we do well under pressure and deadlines - so maybe one day that'll come around soon again too or perhaps that ocean view house will come in the future.

......  Till then though, I'll just keep having these slow moments and stop to hold gratitude for that moment in time.