5 tip tips go keeping cool with bub!

bodyresetfitness mumsafe mumsandbubsfitness Mar 28, 2023
5 tip tips go keeping cool with bub

It’s Autumn but alas feels like Summer still.

In Sydney, the weather has been a little up and down 40 degree days to 24 degrees to back up to 30 plus days.

Don't get me wrong, I am a Summer gal at heart but whoah the humidity combined with the high temperatures has been a kicker in March this year.

After some conversations with our Mums and Bubs Fitness clients I put together a quick list as the ever changing weather makes it super tricky for us Mums to know what to and how to keep Bub/toddlers cooler.

Top 5 tips on keeping cool!

Fan / Air conditioning

Use it to keep your baby's room cool. If not, use a fan to circulate the air in the room. Highly recommend installing some block-out blinds to bedrooms especially if they get the westerly afternoon sun and close off any non-airconditioned/ fan rooms to keep the cool contained and not leaking out (hello power bills!) I keep windows/blinds closed as soon as possible if its to be a hot one and lucky for me I have an electrician as a husband so its crucial you put your air conditioner on earlier so it doesn't struggle or chew up power trying to get the temperature down from 30 plus. I aim for 23/24 degrees which is comfortable compared to the 40 degrees out there.

Keep your baby hydrated

Remember how much water we should be having and we (albeit sometimes!) are pretty good at self-regulating our thirst/hunger. Our bubs/toddlers haven't developed this yet so we need to be procative in offering your baby plenty of fluids, such as breast milk, formula, or water, to keep them hydrated.

Limit outdoor activities:

Think early morning sunrise walks and post dinner are the best. Try to avoid going outside during the hottest parts of the day. If you do have to go out, make sure bub/toddlers are protected from the sun with a hat and sunscreen . Make sure you be careful with pram covers/wrap over bubs whilst sleeping too
Safe Sleep Week is Red Nose’s annual national awareness campaign to help save little lives and in a recent survey 29% of parents believe that babies’ prams should be covered with a plastic cover, muslin, or blanket, to protect their babies from the sun.

Red Nose is urging parents to avoid covering their pram as this reduces airflow and increases temperatures within the pram in warm weather. You can read more here.

Dressing bub for a hot day

Dress your baby in lightweight, loose-fitting clothes that cover their arms and legs to protect them from the sun and opt for breathable fabrics like cotton or bamboo.

Create a cool environment:

Use a cool mist humidifier to add moisture to the air.
You can also try placing a damp towel or cloth over your baby's skin to help cool them down.

Keep a watch over baby/toddlers when transitioning from cars, houses, shopping centres and the like and check UV Ratings /times when outdoors at pools/beaches/blow up pools.