Prioritising self-care amidst motherhood.

#bodyresetfitness #motherhood #reallifestory #mum #selfcare Jul 29, 2024

I can guarantee your self-care has slipped through the cracks girl, especially if you are a Mum!

Am I right, yes, yes I am, why I know is that I am here too, right in the depths of I can’t remember the last thing I did for me, fill my cup, do something I needed……

In the hustle and bustle of motherhood and demanding careers, it is easy to let self-care slip through the cracks. Then let’s say we throw some life changes our way which were not predicted nor foreseen……. Add those two combinations together and routine,schedules and what the bloody hell is for dinner again, agh shit there’s nothing in the fridge again scenario.

Those days when you think, I can’t remember when we changed the sheets last or did I actually clean the bathrooms last week or did I do my “clean and sweep” 5 minute wipe over.  If you have a house full of boys… You’ll know what I mean about the clean and sweep!

I know as a health and fitness coach that prioritising physical movement is crucial for my overall well-being. So how can I let it be the first thing to drop……… because I am exactly like YOU!

I am a business owner, a Mum, a wife, a daughter, a sister and friend.  When things demand you out of your routine, the first instinctively action to take for us is to drop movement, exercise, any form of self care or even getting our hair done (in my case hair washed!) or health check ups. ZERO, gets wiped off the calendars straight away….. WHY?????

I know WHY because we are the bearers of all the things, but if I was able to tell you some of the reasons I am using to motivate me to get back to the things that make me happy day to day, then hopefully you’ll find something in this read for you today. 

Regular exercise (not once in a blue moon) not only boosts our physical health but also provides a much-needed mental break. I see you over-stimulated Mum, overworked and trying to juggle all of it in the air……It helps reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance cognitive function, making us more resilient to the challenges of everyday life. By choosing to move our bodies, we are making a conscious decision to invest in ourselves, ensuring we have the strength and energy to take on our roles as mothers, professionals, and individuals.

Prioritising self care amidst motherhood - why we encourage to start booking into your calendar some self care and making it a non-negotiable (even 5 mins)

We know you may be thinking where in the hell am I going to find 10 minutes to myself let alone 30- 60 mins each week for yourself. Let me start by telling you what type of things you could see as a reward for scheduling this important time!

Physical health and energy

Regular exercise helps to improve overall physical health, increasing cardiovascular fitness, strengthening muscles, and enhancing flexibility. For busy mothers and career professionals, maintaining a good level of physical health ensures you have the energy and stamina to meet the demands of your daily responsibilities.

By keeping the body active (aka moving!), we can better manage the physical challenges of motherhood and the stresses of a demanding job.

Mental well-being and stress reduction

Exercise is known to release endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. Guess what, they are happy endorphins! I am sure you have experienced them before!

Engaging in regular physical activity can significantly reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. When juggling multiple roles and demands, exercise provides a valuable mental break and a means to clear the mind. It helps in maintaining emotional balance and resilience, making it easier (I am not saying it'll remove those super hard weeks but it will make them a little lighter!) to handle the pressures and unexpected challenges.

Enhanced Focus and Productivity

Regular physical activity has been shown to improve cognitive function, including memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. For professionals, this translates to better focus and increased productivity at work. For mothers, it means being more present and attentive with their children aka not yelling at them because you've got none of what you needed to do today. By making time for exercise, you can enhance performance in both personal and professional spheres, leading to more efficient and effective management of responsibilities.

So this Winter, I’m doing it with my Team, because within Body Reset Fitness, we understand the unique challenges that come with balancing multiple responsibilities. Our clients come from a huge variance of culture, careers and journeys.  Our classes are designed to be a sanctuary where you can focus on your well-being whilst engaging in regular physical activity within a supportive community provides an opportunity to connect with others who share similar experiences and goals. It's not just about working out; it's about fostering a sense of camaraderie and belonging. By bringing a friend or making new friends in our classes, you create a network of support that can motivate and inspire you to stay committed to your fitness journey.  My clients are like my friends and they too support me back so we are a team.

We invite you to take the first step and audit your past week. Was there any self-care ?  Honestly, truly dig deep and write some things down that you wished you had time for, what is missing from your week that could give you more energy, vitality or fun/play.

What could you move around in your schedule to make this happen?  Remember, taking care of yourself is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. Let’s make fitness a fun, integral part of our lives amidst the beautiful chaos of motherhood and careers.