is proudly partnering with 

An online course that will help you navigate the stages of your life

Learn strategies to harness your body’s potential and implement small, sustainable changes into your life. You will discover how to work with the natural processes of your body, whether it’s reproductive, menstrual or hormonal.


A revolution in women’s wellness

With 6 key elements for women that covers:

Module 1 - Strong Foundations

Learn all the basics, from what is the True Core, to posture, diaphragmatic breathing and pelvic floor exercises.

Module 2 - All about your Bits!

The leaking, the prolapse, all manner of pelvic floor dysfunction – this is the stuff I’m well known for! I will also provide a cheat sheet that can be taken to a pelvic floor health physio.

Module 3 - Matching with Movement

Find out how to add pelvic floor contractions to any level of exercise. I have perfected how to teach this topic in a comprehensive way by educating 1000s of women through my mishfit™ business.

Module 4 - Periods! Periods! Periods!

If you’re aren’t matching your exercise with your menstrual cycle, then you are losing out my friend. But don’t stop there. You can use this knowledge to optimise your creativity, improve your relationships and so much more.

Module 5 - Pregnancy + Postnatal

Exercising while pregnant or post natal can be confronting or scary for some women, and I break down how to approach it with care and consideration.

Module 6 - Marvellous Menopause

Learn how to reframe the narrative around menopause to be a positive and empowering experience. I provide advice on exercise and navigating weight gain for women who are peri-menopausal to post menopausal, and also interview HRT specialist Dr Fatima Khan.


Module 1 - Strong Foundations

Learn all the basics, from what is the True Core, to posture, diaphragmatic breathing and pelvic floor exercises.

Module 2 - All about your Bits!

The leaking, the prolapse, all manner of pelvic floor dysfunction – this is the stuff I’m well known for! I will also provide a cheat sheet that can be taken to a pelvic floor health physio.

Module 3 - Matching with Movement

Find out how to add pelvic floor contractions to any level of exercise. I have perfected how to teach this topic in a comprehensive way by educating 1000s of women through my mishfit™ business.

Module 4 - Periods! Periods! Periods!

If you’re aren’t matching your exercise with your menstrual cycle, then you are losing out my friend. But don’t stop there. You can use this knowledge to optimise your creativity, improve your relationships and so much more.

Module 5 - Pregnancy + Postnatal

Exercising while pregnant or post natal can be confronting or scary for some women, and I break down how to approach it with care and consideration.

Module 6 - Marvellous Menopause

Learn how to reframe the narrative around menopause to be a positive and empowering experience. I provide advice on exercise and navigating weight gain for women who are peri-menopausal to post menopausal, and also interview HRT specialist Dr Fatima Khan.


Course delivered by Mish Wright

Michelle Wright (Mish) (B.Ed and Dip. Teach) After a decade of teaching, Mish started her second career as a Group Fit Instructor and Personal Trainer. Mish is the founder of the multi-award-winning fitness business franchise mishfit®, which specialised in training women. 
For over 12 years Mish has been writing, presenting, educating, and mentoring fitness professionals in business, women’s health and training older adults. Mish created the Women’s Health and Fitness Summit (2014 – 2019) that brought together Fit Pro’s and Allied Health professionals to start relationships and conversations that are still resonating today.
Mish currently writes online education for Central Queensland University, Fitness Education Online (Australia), EAT fitness (New Zealand), FITM (Malaysia) and Fit Asia (Singapore). She has also re-written all the instructor education for the COTA (Council On The Ageing) for their Living Longer Living Stronger program and the women’s health education for Curves Australia and New Zealand. 
All education that fitness professionals undertake is based on the research of young fit men. Mish is passionate about educating everyone in the fitness industry in what she calls the “missing education” of women’s health. Mish has created EVEolution™ an online program to help women navigate exercise – no matter what age or stage they are at.
In 2021, Mish was awarded the AUSactive (formerly Fitness Australia) Educator of the Year award.
Mish is a kiwi but lives with her husband and their two pussycats in Melbourne on the land of the Wurundgeri people, Australia.

Incontinence and prolapse will not kill you.

However, inactivity will.

- Mish Wright



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